The Butterfly Award

Glitter Painting
Items Needed:
White Glue or Fevicol
Paint Brush
2.Mix 2 parts white glue with 1/2 part water to bring the thick glue to a cream consistency.
3.With the help of paint brush, apply the glue on parts of the design where u want to sprinkle glitter powder. Do it one color at a time. For example, if u r doing blue, first apply glue to only those areas which are to be blue.
Embroidered Pillow Cover
In this design, I have used Fish Bone Stitch, Satin Stitch, Chain Stitch, Stem Stitch, Button Hole Stitch/Blanket Stitch, the French Knot and some other stiches to complete the design.
Rockin' Girl Blogger Award

Yasmin, your comments have always encouraged me a lot. I hope our friendship continues to grow.
Now since its been only a few months since I started my blog, I have only a few blogger friends. So I am giving this award to only 2 bloggers:
1. Shobha ji. Her blog has the most delicious home recipes you will never find anywhere else. Her method of explaining the recipes with step-by-step pics makes it easy for even the non-cooks to cook a delicious meal. She is not only a good cook but also a very good human being. You will always find her helping others, doing things for others or buying gifts for others. This quality of hers made me give this award to her. She deserves it more than anyone else.
2. Punam who has got a wonderful blog about almost everything... poetry, inspiratiion, birds, relationships, philosophy, cooking and many more. She is one of the most creative people ever. A great writer and a perfectionist. Your poems really rock!. So this award is for you, Punam.
An award for me !!!!!

Now I am supposed to pass it on.
I am giving this award to three very deserving bloggers.
1. Yasmin..... for her beautiful and creative crochet items.
2. Purlycues..... for her cute mommy tales, yummy recipes and crochet projects.
3. Miva..... for her amazing crocheted doilies.
I hope you will pass the award on to blogs that you feel deserve it.