Starching Doilies

There are lots of ways to starch doilies. I normally use Revive Instant Starch Powder to starch my doilies. This is the way its done.

1. Take about 2 cups of water in a vessel. Add 1 tsp of starch powder and about 1/4 tsp of salt to it. Salt is added so that the colour of the threads doesn't spread. This is useful for doilies made with more than one-coloured thread.

2. Bring this to a boil. Allow it to cool completely.

3. Dip the completed doily in this starch water.

4. Squeeze out excess water from the doily WITHOUT twisting it.

5. Stretch the doily on a pillow and pin it according to desired shape, using pins having beaded heads.

6. Finally, after the doily dries, remove the pins and iron it.


Nima said...

thank you for sharing this idea. I have never tried this way. next time i'll do it like this.

Leti said...

Hi there! I'm glad u like this dress.
Yes, I use a little bit of starch, not to much because I want a little flowing on those dresses.
Thank you for sharing this idea.